Some tips to walk on the beautiful and right path of life

Human life is very rare. We have achieved this human birth under the influence of many
virtues. How many animals are there in this world, animals, birds, cows, goats. They do not have the power of knowledge. They are deprived of a better life. They do not have the field to do good deeds.

People have the power of knowledge and thinking. By the power of thinking people can
understand good and evil. By honest thinking, people can form a moral life. The Buddha has given moral advice to human life in various places at different times.

Below are some tips ………..

1) Be self-reliant. Be convinced Antsharan is the best refuge.

2) Abandon evil and perform righteous deeds. Be restrained in body, speech and mind. From the mind comes the willpower of good deeds and evil deeds. If you speak in your heart, happiness in the shadow brings happiness. If you act wickedly you have to suffer.

3) Kindness and greatness are the characteristics of Buddha. Like a mother protecting her only son. The form will be inexhaustible to all beings. It is a mental honest action.

4) Avoid lying, imposing words, sarcasm, speechless words. Tell the truth, love, sweet and meaningful words. They belong to memorable sentences.

5) Do not trade in weapons, animals, meat, drugs, poison. These are lies. Is against religion.

6) Avoid envy and be gracious to all. Be sad about the next. Be happy with the next. Look at misery equally. These four are ideologies of friendship, compassion, mudita and ignorance respectively. Whose name is Brahmavihara.

7) Don’t serve the fool. Will go near the scholar. The worshiper will worship the person.

8) The mother, father and wife will provide for the son. Will gain knowledge of the truth. Different industries will teach.

9) The forgiving, courteous, courteous monks of the Guru’s order – will visit and criticize the sriman.

10) The sinner will not be with the friend and the poor person. Good people and wise people will be around.

11) Better a mediator and a meditator than a hundred years of living in a wicked and untrained heart.

12) Here during the rainy season, I will live there in the winter and summer – the fools think likethat. Just don’t know when life will end.

13) Control yourself. Then discipline others. Being self-controlled can also control others. It’s hard to control yourself.

14) Thinking reflects on nature or nature. If someone speaks or acts against evil intentions, grief follows him. And if someone talks or thinks about happiness, happiness will follow him like a shadow.

15) If the laziness and the banquet become self-deprecating, it becomes a recurrence of misery in the life of the fool.

13) Control yourself. Then discipline others. Being self-controlled can also control others. It’s hard to control yourself.

14) Thinking reflects on nature or nature. If someone speaks or acts against evil intentions, grief follows him. And if someone talks or thinks about happiness, happiness will follow him like a shadow.

15) If the laziness and the banquet become self-deprecating, it becomes a recurrence of misery in the life of the fool.

16) He who is unstable, who does not know the truth, who has no mental well-being, can never be wise.

17) A wise person is never affected by slander or praise.

18) The victorious or self-defeating hero is the hero of anger rather than the victor over the battlefield.

19) Do not speak harsh words to anyone. Because he or she can respond bitterly. Heated exchanges will also be difficult for you. The penalty will touch you, too.

20) Do not think of any sin as trivial. Only the smallest of sins will fill the void of the sin of foolishness from the accumulation.

21) The fools suffer in the thought of ‘my son, my money, my wealth’. How can he have a son or treasure when he is not his own?

22) Always do good work. Do it again and again Always keep your mind in good works.
Goodness is the way to heaven.